

Early childhood ( Kindergarten )


For our early learning students, every moment is filled with new ideas, quiet wondering, and exciting discoveries. When our preschool and kindergarten students explore our campus Eco-garden, watch kites soar in the wide sky, or build imaginary worlds, they discover that what they say, think, and do matters.

Our programme looks like a lot of fun to the adult eye because we believe that children learn best when they’re truly engaged. Through a Reggio Emilia-inspired approach and a focus on inquiry and self-guided learning, students ask questions, investigate, and learn about things that genuinely matter to them. GT Vidhya Mandir CBSE School in Thiruvallur –  Chennai

Three-year old PP1 students and four-year old PP2 students attend our early learning programme daily from 8:30 a.m. to 3.30 p.m.

There are multifarious activities in our daily schedule, offering our children time to be curious, to play, to wonder and to learn. GT Vidhya Mandir Residential School in Thirvallur – Chennai, Throughout the day, our young learners work independently and in small groups, visit hands-on exploration stations, stretch their muscles during two daily outdoor play times, take field trips throughout the wider campus, and enjoy Kinder music lessons and daily perceptual motor skills development.

Our concept-based curriculum allows kids to connect, explore, and relate through their own interests, and by listening to those interests, we provoke their thinking.

Primary School


Elementary school at GTVidhya Mandir (GTVM) CBSE School in Redhills North Chennai Thiruvallur District, is a place where the foundation of learning takes hold, and where we have the rewarding job of fostering and challenging students to maintain their curiosity and creativity while extending their self – confidence and self – advocacy.

A daily schedule of core subjects in reading language arts, mathematics, world languages, science, and social studies is punctuated by specialist classes in art, music, physical education, technology and library use.

Primary School

Experiential learning outside the classroom through field trips and community service inspires students and enriches the curriculum.

From the earliest grades, GTVM students are active learners; students learn to analyze and question across subject areas, and learn to express themselves in writing, presentations, and discussions.

Middle School


Our middle school students have the space to grow and find themselves in a unique and welcoming environment guided by teachers who particularly enjoy working with this dynamic age group. Each grade has an interdisciplinary team of teachers that support the academic, social, and emotional needs forming strong and trusting relationships with students and families of all students.

The core middle school academic comprises of reading, language, arts, social \ studies, math, science, physical education, health, and other language which include project-based learning to provide real-world experiences that allow students to conceptualize, apply, and reflect new learning.

Middle School
Co-curricular activities like Robotics, music, IT, Butterfly fields, strategic learning are just a few of the exploratory and innovative programs that capitalize on students’ interests and extend their learning.

Co-curricular activities like Robotics, music, IT, Butterfly fields, strategic earning are just a few of the exploratory and innovative programs that capitalize on students’ interests and extend their learning.

High School


We believe education should be more than the accumulation of knowledge. Learning at GTVM is a process of discovery and transformation through pursuing individual passions and encountering new ways of viewing the world.

Flexibility and academic program personalization are the hallmarks of an exemplary Central Board Secondary Education (CBSE) system.

Research shows that students learn best when they are connected to the life of their school and to the adults there who guide them.

High School

Every GTVM high school student belongs to a small advisory group, and has an advisor who mentors them, helps them track their progress, set goals, discuss and solve learning issues, and build on their capacities to take responsibility for their learning. GTVM internship progamme allows students to design their own learning experience by merging their passions with their academics. GT Vidhya Mandir also have World class hostel facility in Northern Part of Chennai CBSE Residential School in Chennai – Thiruvallur District

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